Clive’s latest on its way

Our writer, Clive Ashman at Beaconside, Penrith, in Cumbria. Taking a breather on the kerbstones of a recently-discovered Roman road – its original carriageway is right behind him..

His most recent title, LAWYERS of LUGVALIO, marked a major departure in period – both in subject & settings – as two fated fellow-travellers, Lydia & Justinus, face a whole sequence of challenges together. Clive’s third novel enabling their first appearance as characters. And now he’s hard at work on a fourth, faithfully reporting whatever happened to them next.

Although we’re back in Roman Britain, the events in his third book belong to a different Roman period from MOSAIC – even TWO-EIGHT-SIX. Stand alone without any modern elements to run in tandem. No, there’s no contemporary parallels to draw, not this time. Just a few, faint re-echoes you can imagine for yourself – and none the worse for that.

Unrelated plot-wise to his others too, but still stunning straightaway. Starting-off in Scotland on the Antonine Wall, forty years earlier, the action moves southwards pretty soon, to the city of York. (Roman Eboracvm as-was.) Marks only the beginning of their journey…

Clive really enjoyed researching & writing LAWYERS of LUGVALIO – successfully negotiating the other processes too.So a sincere Thank You” to his wonderful team of Beta readers – “You know who you are – you lovely people!” and our excellent printers at Biddles. With his art work for the cover complemented by unique maps which include the most detailed re-imagining of Roman Carlisle yet attempted. (Clive’s unusual among authors in always drawing his own). Why LAWYERS of LUGVALIO is destined to become more than just a book, but also a collector’s item: a ‘Beautiful Object‘…

After his successful, post-lockdown UK launch-event for LAWYERS of LUGVALIO in July 2021 – atop the actual site of Petuaria, the lost Roman town Clive describes so effectively in MOSAIC – here’s a photo from the big day to prove it:

As you can see, LAWYERS of LUGVALIO’s certainly been well received. Even in uncertain times, proving micro-publishers like us bring quality reading to market. And Clive’s busy now with its sequel – taking readers to another time of turmoil. Septimius Severus’s expedition to Britannia of the early third century bringing ‘Shock & Awe’ to a rebellious province. And an enigmatic stone building to the banks of the River Eden at Carlisle…

Look out for VOREDA BOOKS during 2024 – at lively events for which we’re now taking bookings: various literary festivals & events, including Malton Roman Festival and the Historical Association.

Here’s a link for more detail below, including how to obtain your own copy EXCLUSIVELY from us: