Our writer, Clive Ashman at Beaconside, Penrith, in Cumbria. Taking a breather on the kerbstones of a recently-discovered Roman road – its original carriageway is right behind him..
His most recent title, LAWYERS of LUGVALIO, marked a major departure in period – both in subject & settings – as two fated fellow-travellers, Lydia & Justinus, face a whole sequence of challenges together. Clive’s third novel enabling their first appearance as characters. And now he’s hard at work on a fourth, faithfully reporting whatever happened to them next.
Although we’re back in Roman Britain, the events in his third book belong to a different Roman period from MOSAIC – even TWO-EIGHT-SIX. Stand alone without any modern elements to run in tandem. No, there’s no contemporary parallels to draw, not this time. Just a few, faint re-echoes you can imagine for yourself – and none the worse for that.
Unrelated plot-wise to his others too, but still stunning straightaway. Starting-off in Scotland on the Antonine Wall, forty years earlier, the action moves southwards pretty soon, to the city of York. (Roman Eboracvm as-was.) Marks only the beginning of their journey…
Clive really enjoyed researching & writing LAWYERS of LUGVALIO – successfully negotiating the other processes too.So a sincere Thank You” to his wonderful team of Beta readers – “You know who you are – you lovely people!” and our excellent printers at Biddles. With his art work for the cover complemented by unique maps which include the most detailed re-imagining of Roman Carlisle yet attempted. (Clive’s unusual among authors in always drawing his own). Why LAWYERS of LUGVALIO is destined to become more than just a book, but also a collector’s item: a ‘Beautiful Object‘…
So what does this strange picture show? A ceramic tile lost among rubble – yet stamped ‘IMP’. Well, if you want to find out more for yourself, you’ll just have to buy the book. See link below for how to go about that…
After his successful, post-lockdown UK launch-event for LAWYERS of LUGVALIO in July 2021 – atop the actual site of Petuaria, the lost Roman town Clive describes so effectively in MOSAIC – here’s a photo from the big day to prove it:
As you can see, LAWYERS of LUGVALIO’s certainly been well received. Even in uncertain times, proving micro-publishers like us bring quality reading to market. And Clive’s busy now with its sequel – taking readers to another time of turmoil. Septimius Severus’s expedition to Britannia of the early third century bringing ‘Shock & Awe’ to a rebellious province. And an enigmatic stone building to the banks of the River Eden at Carlisle…
Look out for VOREDA BOOKS during 2024 – at lively events for which we’re now taking bookings: various literary festivals & events, including Malton Roman Festival and the Historical Association.
Here’s a link for more detail below, including how to obtain your own copy EXCLUSIVELY from us: